Monday, June 20, 2011

Picture of the Day

This is from Japan Today (and this is the link that will take you to the webpage)
(C) OGA for Aid (Daniele Bragaglio)
A wrecked car is seen in Minamisanrikucho, Miyagi Prefecture. More than three months after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, people are still in dire need of assistance, say members of OGA for Aid, which has been in the field providing assistance daily based on the motto “no person left behind.”

I met the people of O.G.A. who are busting their butts to help the people of Minamisanriku a couple weeks ago, when I was in Sendai. They made a presentation about their mission and the state of things there, about how the people of this town still aren't getting what they need three months on, and described some of the difficulties and frustrations of relief work. And this is just one town - one that was completely flattened by the tsunami. As of June 1 there were still 9,500 living in shelters (more than half the pre-March 11 population). Click here to read more about this startup NPO and to see the latest needs list. The organization has a Facebook page too.

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