As I turned to go into the fitting room, the sales lady handed me a sheer fabric bag and motioned for me to cover my face. want me to wear this on my head? I conveyed while gesturing and employing an awkward kind of sign language that I've developed since moving here (like a tic). She smiled yes. I realize now that they probably do this to keep makeup off the merchandise, but I don't wear any so I just thought about George Costanza's over-sized noggin stretching out the neck of James Spader's nice sweater on Seinfeld and figured the sack would help prevent me from doing the same. I put it on, but it fell off as I struggled to shimmy into the thing...ah well, I tried.
Needless to say I didn't buy the hoodie, but I did get some gloves, and the bag they were placed in is made of the same material, so here is a picture of me wearing the bag to give you some idea of what I went through.
oh my you are starting to scare me. but it's a look.
this looks like an ad for a new horror movie.
looks like a picture from a horror film
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