Monday, May 5, 2008

love those bank holidays

T's been off for Golden Week, so on Monday, since the weather wasn't great, we headed into Shinjuku to go to the movies. I agreed to see Cloverfield, despite knowing nothing about it. It turned out to be an 85-minute gas, an over-the-top Sci-Fi flick that takes place in New York, so I ate up the scenery (particularly the Brooklyn Bridge) as it was being demolished by some Godzilla-like alien creature. (See movie poster above left, for view of a decapitated Lady Liberty.)

There appears to be about a half dozen theaters within a three block radius here.

We were at the Shinjuku Toa Kogyo, where you can buy beer from a vending machine:

One of the great benefits of polite Tokyo society is that nobody, and I mean nobody, so much as slurps a soda, or crunches noisily on popcorn, or even whispers to a neighbor. Forget New York-style shout-outs at the screen. (I'll never forget watching The Blair Witch Project in Chelsea, while drunk and uppity audience members hurled scorn at those doomed campers, thereby snapping me out of my ohmygodwhattheheckisgonnahappentotheseidiots terror). No, here in Tokyo everybody stays completely silent and still as if Krazy-glued to their seats until the last credit rolls. It actually feels rude to leave before that "Color by Deluxe" and "MMVIII" and all that.

After the movies we wandered the streets in search of a place to stop for lunch, and chose this no-frills kaiten sushi joint, where we ate some raw fish and rice.
On our way to the JR train, we passed one of pretty-boy Brad Pitt's Tag Heuer billboards. Now that's a full day.

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